קבלתי תוצאות בדיקת מח עצם וזה לא ברור לי אם יש או אין עדויות לימפומה ?
" Bone marrow biopsy:
Core 0.6 cm long of normocellular for age cm long of normocellular for age bone marrow ( bone marrow (30-40%) showing normal trilineage ) showing normal trilineage
There is one near to paratrabecular lymphoid aggregate composed of mostly small lymphocytes.
The stroma and the bone trabeculae are unremarkable.
There is increased amount of reticulin fibers (grade 1/3).
On immunostains the lymphoid aggregate is positive for both B and T cell markers.
In addition the CD20 and CD79a show scattered small B lymphocytes in the interstitium.
The CD3 shows reactive T lymphocytes.